Ketamine Assisted Therapy
Living Unapologetically 365 is collaborating with Journey Clinical in Texas to provide the healing power of psychedelics and therapy.
What is Journey Clinical?
Journey Clinical is a platform for licensed psychotherapists to incorporate science-based psychedelic therapies in their practice safely and effectively, starting with Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP).
Journey Clinical’s in-house medical team oversees patient eligibility, prescriptions and outcome monitoring. Their collaborative care model is designed to deliver personalized treatment plans to meet your individual needs and improve long-term outcomes.
Phase 1 - Assessments and Intakes
Psychotherapist, Tiffany Morish, refers you to Journey Clinical through their portal, then you will receive an email to sign in as a patient.
You schedule an initial evaluation with a clinician from the Journey Clinical medical team via zoom.
Next, they will go over your medical and psychiatric history with you, provide education on the treatment and determine if you are eligible for KAP.
If Journey Clinical’s medical team determines that you are eligible for KAP, they will develop your personalized Ketamine prescription and outcome monitoring plan.
Journey Clinical’s medical staff will write your ketamine prescription, and a small amount of oral ketamine will be sent to your home (enough for the first 2 KAP sessions).
You will be taught to take your vitals (blood pressure and heart rate) and self-administer the ketamine lozenges by Journey Clinical’s medical team in advance of our KAP sessions.
Phase 2 - Preparation
Once you receive your ketamine lozenges, we will schedule time together for our KAP preparation, dosing and integration sessions.
Preparation session(s) will be scheduled just like regular therapy sessions prior to the KAP dosing session.
The goal of a preparation session(s) is to clarify the process and set intentions for our KAP sessions.
Phase 3 - KAP Dosing Sessions
A typical ketamine dosing session lasts 2-3 hours and can take place remotely via telehealth.
You will be recording your vitals (blood pressure and heart rate) before and after dosing. I will post your vital measurements in the Journey Clinical portal.
During a dosing session, you will self-administer your ketamine lozenge.
You will be in a comfortable, reclining position wearing an eye mask and listening to calming music.
Although a KAP dosing session may be largely an internal experience, I will be present with you the entire time to hold space and provide support as needed.
After our KAP dosing session:
We will meet for integration therapy sessions to review the memories, thoughts & insights that arose during your dosing session, and to prepare for the next dosing session
Follow-up consultations with
Journey Clinical
After our first KAP session:
Journey Clinical’s medical team schedules regular follow-ups with you to monitor outcomes and prescribe ketamine lozenge refills, as appropriate.
The frequency of follow-ups depends on your unique treatment plan, at a minimum of once per quarter.
Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy is an affordable, accessible modality. Although the medical intake and follow-ups are not covered by insurance, they are eligible for out-of-network reimbursement.
Medical Intake: $250 (One-time fee, reimbursable through out-of-network). You will meet with a psychiatrist or a psychiatric nurse practitioner online (Telehealth).
Follow-up Sessions: $150/Session (minimum of 1/quarter, reimbursable through out-of-network)
Cost of Ketamine Lozenges
Range $25-70 for approximately 4-6 lozenges (not covered by insurance).
The RDTs (Rapid Dissolving Tablets) are produced by a compounding pharmacy and mailed to you.
We are in-network with BCBS, Oscar, Aetna and Cigna insurances.
All ketamine clients can use their in-network insurance for preparation and integration sessions, but will not be able to use insurance for the actual dosing sessions.
KAP Initial Intake, 1.5 hours - $250
KAP Prep Session, 1 hour - $200
KAP Dosing Session Check In, 1 hour - $200
KAP Dosing Session Remote, 3 hours - $480
KAP Integration Session, 1 hour - $200